We support the operations of a medical clinic that serves as the primary medial care for a region with nearly 20,000 residents. Our medical staff are equipped to treat the leading causes of death in Tanzania including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, lower respiratory infections, prenatal condition, and malaria.
Author: Kuza Project
We support primary and secondary education for children in Igwachana and Mlingali. Students enrolled in our program are equipped with shoes, uniforms and the necessary school supplies.
Women-led Business Associations
These associations are comprised of over 200 women that run three retail shops, a tailoring business, a livestock rearing project, a timber forestry project and a micro finance institution. Profits from the association are invested in growth opportunities, community development projects, and to provide a safety net to meet the extraordinary needs of association members. The associations also coach and train other associations in neighboring villages with best practices for growth and development.
Deworming Initiative
Our initial vision was to provide deworming protocols to 43,964 students in 110 primary schools.
Cow Project
The cow project continues to prosper and the number of cows increases each year.