Kuza Clinic Serves Thousands

Our dental clinic in Igwachanya continues to bless the community with free and inexpensive care they would otherwise not have access to. Since the opening of the clinic we have been able to serve over 2,500 people in the area with free and low cost dental care. In addition to dental care, the clinic also offers health screenings and midwifery services for women. In the first qurater of this year alone, more than 40 women have given birth at the clinic and 100 have received a free health screening. Overall, our clinic has seen nearly 400 patients in 2012 alone. Your support enables us to continue to reach out to these communities and provide them with high quality care. Thank you for your continued generosity towards Kuza Project. I encourage you to visit our website and make a donation to ensure that more women and children get these vital services.