Business Associations Get Chickens and Cows

Our new women’s business associations in Mlanagli and in Igwachanya continue to do well. Our local staff has been working closely with these women to help them learn how to raise and breed their chickens for profit and keeping them to their business plans. Already, some of the chickens have died of diseases but the women persist: working closely with local agricultural officers to understand the problem and keep their livestock healthy. Most of the chickens are ready to lay eggs now and so these associations are well on their way to creating income.

Another association in Lupembe is raising and breeding cows. Several of the cows are ready to give birth already. These cows provide a vital source of protein with their milk in an area that does not have access to protein-rich foods. A single cow provides an enormous improvement in the quality of life for their families. They are also saving money together to establish a timber forestry project in the area.

The aim of these associations is to invest in groups of women that are working together to lift their families out of extreme poverty. Both groups submitted business plans focused on breeding chickens for eggs and meat. The profits from these businesses are shared among the women, most of whom are widows with children. Additional income is used for school fees, health care, and any major unexpected expenses that arise. Thank you for making this happen! Your support has allowed us to help 20 more women and their families begin the journey out of poverty.