Our clinic in Igwachanya is proving to be an important resource for the community. Our staff dentist and nurse midwife serve more and more people everyday with basic needs. In fact, the village is becoming a hub for the entire region. The government has recently made some policy changes that effectively put Igwachanya in a position to grow rapidly over the next several years, so demand at our clinic will only continue to grow. Our staff dentist would like to purchase a drill and the related tools for fillings. This will be an expensive investment that we are researching as to how to best approach. We recently purchased a delivery kit for the nurse midwife for $125 US and we need to buy two more. Additionally, the clinic is providing “Care Kits” for the new mothers: a collection of local foods and other nutritional needs to help mother and baby. We have a doctor from the US going to Tanzania in August. On her trip she will spend time in Igwachanya with our staff working alongside them, coaching them and helping us assess what is needed to help them flourish in their service to the community.
Clinic’s Capacity and Influence Will Grow