Latest Kuza Project Updates

Kuza Project Updates

As you know, 2021 has been an extraordinary year. Covid continues as a global pandemic, but we are blessed that it has not been a serious problem in the villages we serve. While we have been spared from the ravages of Covid, the poverty and health issues that remain continue to devastate school age children. We are addressing these health issues with our initiatives and ongoing projects.

This year, Kuza Project launched an exciting new initiative. the Sunflower Project, to partner with 100 farm families in the Wanging’ombe district. Over the course of 24 months we will help improve their socio-economic lives through sunflower production.

Thanks to you, the Deworming Initiative we launched last year is making an enormous impact. We have begun but there is much more to do.Our initial vison was to provide deworming protocols to 43,964 students in 110 primary schools. The deworming program includes distribution of medicine, education, and environmental improvements.

The Cow Project continues to prosper and the number of cows increases each year, providing families with milk for personal consumption and as a product to sell.

Our Medical Clinic now has a dentist along with a nurse/midwife. Our Dentist has immeasurably improved the quality of life for many. Dental care used to be hours away and often patients would go months with painful conditions. Now, patients pay a small fee to be treated by a local Dentist, and the fees are low so that everyone can have access to this important care in an area where there are no other options.

In 2017 Kuza Project funded a facility to grind corn locally. We continue to optimize the operation, working with the women that operate the facility to develop and execute their marketing and sales plan. Our Tanzanian staff now includes a woman with an accounting background to help with this effort. This project fulfills our vision of bringing a functioning business that generates ongoing revenue.

Kuza Project has many areas that can benefit from your gift, as we strive to serve some of the poorest communities in the world. We believe that providing health services, tuition for education, funding to local Women’s associations for business initiatives, and a steady but limited term stipend for families can help these areas to develop self-sustaining economic benefits, improved overall education, and better health care for the population. All together the lives of those served are improved in a dignified, honoring manner.

Kuza is an all-volunteer 501C3 charitable organization, and 100% of your donation directly supports Tanzania. Your donations are tax deductible. Please consider a generous gift to help support those less fortunate.


– Craig Swett